Friday, February 1, 2008


So, there has been a lot of talk about Gemmafactrix ( "Design A Day" idea. I read about it on Contrariwise's blog and then saw it on Flickr and desided to join the group! Here is what Gemma wrote,

"Your challenge is this: make something new every day for a month. You can continue on for longer, of course, but the idea is to create a new design, however simple, every day for a month. Often I get so caught up in selling my work - taking photos, packaging, shipping, updating my website - that I forget to just enjoy creating. Hopefully this group will help me - and you - do that. :) " - here is the link to the Flickr page if you would like to see it for yourself!

So, this is day one! And here is my creation for this day! We will see how long I can keep this going!


fields of honey said...

that's just charming, for real :) can't wait to see what you come up with next.

Contrariwise said...

Great! I'm glad you joined.

The challenge has been fun for me so far and it's pushed me to try some new things that I had in planning stages, but just hadn't gotten around to working on.

(But just like you said, let's see how long I can keep this up.)