Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ooh's and Ahh's Please!

I got my order from 2 Peas today! (I actually got a card in my mailbox yesterday saying that I needed to get to the PO because I had a package that was too big for my mailbox. So I went. The mailman still had it with him on his route! I just knew what it was and I'm telling you, it was bugging me!) Take a look at what I got for $50! It all looks so fun, but there is seriously not an inch on my scrap table to put them on. Must clean table...

...maybe tomorrow. ;)

Also, I seriously need my readers help! I'm trying hard not to whine here. I'm getting a complex. And I really want to hear answers, so I can improve. Do my cards stink? Are they the wrong colors? Do people look at them and think...let's get on to the next shop, hurry! Is there something that turns you off when you look at them? Are my prices just wrong?

I take the time to list every day (and relist since I haven't sold anything in awhile, there are lots and lots of them expiring.) I do all the advertising I can. I read all I can about getting a sale.

The thing is, I've applied to the new site Handmade Fuzion, and was accepted. I'm getting lots and lots of hearts lately, although my views are really low. So it can hardly be that my items are just plain bad. It's just hard to see other card shops doing really well. Maybe there is just too many to pick from.

Selling on Etsy, and the friends that I have made really got me through last years winter (I mean, I didn't even get cabin fever! And that is amazing!) It has been a really positive experience for me so far. It's just that I'm obsessing I guess.


Anonymous said...

Don't doubt yourself!! Your cards are fantastic!!! I bet things will really start to pick up now that summer is over :)

p.s. I am so jealous of your package of goodies!! I could spend hours playing with all that fun stuff!

twiddlestix said...

*big sigh of relief* Thanks so much bluebird! Sometimes I go through this kind of panic, your reassurance really made my day!

And I have done some playing with my new items...I'm having fun!

BackwoodSophisticate said...

Oh, I love your cards and I love your style! I hope you don't change anything. Keep at it, I know your day is coming.

twiddlestix said...

Thanks so much backwoods...both of you really helped the cheer up process!

kim* said...

sounds like a fun project waiting to happen