Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Ok, so I said I was going to do the baby card thing, but I just can't get into it for some reason! I made a whopping total of: one. Woohoo. I guess the new pile of paper that I bought just doesn't inspire me to do the baby thing! I am actually working on making a bunch of Mother's day cards. This is a big event for card makers like me!

I am also have a time pulling my nose out of a book...Harry Potter actually! I'm hooked! My oldest has read and reread them so many times, and I just laughed at him, but now here I sit. The weather has been perfect for that, raining, snowing, cuddle-up-with-a-book weather. Now, on to book 6!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Teeny Tiny Baby Card!

I was asked by a friend of mine to make a couple of little cards for some boxes that she has. She sells soap at Etsy now! She fills the boxes with a couple of bars of soap, and then adds a card to go with it. I made these baby cards for her, and decided to list one too! If you'd like to take a peak at her shop, it's called, BarNoneProducts.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Shopping on ArtFire

I have to tell you...shopping at ArtFire is really snappy! First of all, when you click "Shop" it brings you to a page where all the categories are. Also, there is a number of listed items by each category.

Ok, so then after choosing a category that I wanted to shop in, there are subcategories on the side. Also, at the top of the page there is quite a few options to sort by. "Random, Highest Price, Lowest Priced, Newest Listed, Oldest Listed, Most Views, Least Views!" How cool is that!

I also noticed that there are ad spots on the side available. I just might have to try that out some day. The price isn't that bad either...$10/week for a top level category, $5/week for a main level category, and subcategories are $2.5/ week.

All the options, and the categories, subcategories...really makes shopping at ArtFire a breeze. Just another thing that I like about the site! It was also a plus that I saw my cards scattered in there. At least, if people are shopping, they are getting face time!


I have been featured in a blog today! Check out SubEarthan's blog. It's such a pretty blog, and she features sellers on a regular basis. Very cool!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New Series

I have a whole series of cards that I made with fun paper. The next set of cards I need to make is baby cards! I don't have too many of those in the shop yet!

Friday, March 13, 2009

New Set!

I have been working hard on getting new cards for the shops this week. The new ones are made with really neat paper...and I love how they turned out!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Photo a Day

I am doing a new project this year...taking a photo a day of our every day life. My sister first told me about the project after she heard about the kit that Becky Higgins was puting out (Creating Keepsakes.) I tried for over an hour to get that kit when it came out, and thought I was sucessful, but apparently I wasn't. I still wanted to do the project, so we started looking around for other albums to make it work.

This is the album that we came up with...from Pebbles Inc. It's called the "Share and Tell" book, and I bought the beautiful chocolate brown!

Here is my picture of the day from yesterday:

Friday, March 6, 2009

Happy Friday to Ya!

Spring is coming! I saw a few robins this morning, and that makes me pretty excited! Even though it is forcasted to snow here in the next day, I can handle it!

Come and check out my newest card on ArtFire!
And now I must get to work.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

House decisions

I have a front door picked out for my new house! It was an easy decision...just looked at the book for a couple of minutes, and found just what I wanted! The front door that I have now in my house is mostly window because it is our only view to the South. The only problem that I have with it is the fingerprints! It is hard to keep looking decent with little ones around! This time around I decided on a door that only has a window at the top.

I am busy looking for decorating ideas, and found this on Flickr. Don't you just love it?! That print really does it for me!